Corporate Finance and Debt Advisory

Unlock Capital with Corporate Finance Solutions

At Hickman Shearer, we help you leverage your capital assets to secure loans and corporate finance. Utilise your receivables, inventory, plant, machinery, and property to generate working capital or acquisition finance.

Key Benefits:

  • Pre-Deal Debt Indication: Get an early estimate of the debt levels available through secured asset finance.
  • Comprehensive Asset Valuation: Our detailed valuations enable lenders to offer competitive terms and various finance options, such as asset-based lending or leasing, from high street banks and specialist funders.
  • Trusted by Lenders: The UK’s leading asset-based lenders and leasing companies recognise and accept Hickman Shearer asset valuations.

Expertise in Corporate Finance:

Our professionals bring extensive experience in collaborating with corporate finance advisors on debt and M&A transactions, ensuring you receive reliable support throughout the process.

Quality Guarantee:

Understanding capital asset valuation issues requires insight, expertise and experience.

Hickman Shearer is a RICS regulated firm, employing high calibre experienced RICS qualified professionals with a proven track record of providing asset owners and their advisors with:

  • Robust and relevant asset valuations
  • Detailed market analysis
  • Technical guidance and impartial, authoritative advice

Our globally recognised standards ensure a trusted and consistent approach to asset valuation, especially when leveraging your capital assets to secure loans and finance.

Tim Chapman FRICS, MSc

+44 (0)203 668 0581

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    9 Greyfriars Road
    RG1 1NU

    7th Floor, The Balance
    2 Pinfold St
    S1 2GU