Restructuring and insolvency

Expert Solutions for Restructuring and Insolvency

Navigating the complexities of restructuring and insolvency requires a deep understanding of asset values. At Hickman Shearer, we specialise in helping professionals and management teams understand and communicate the values of distressed assets, providing critical support in challenging times.

Why Asset Valuations for Restructuring and Insolvency Matter

In the realm of restructuring and insolvency, accurate asset valuations are essential for:

  • Valuing Owned and Leased Assets: Obtain precise valuations for all owned and leased capital assets.
  • Reviewing Asset Utilization: Identify surplus assets or underutilized capacity through performance reviews.
  • Assessing Funding Models: Explore alternative asset funding models to improve financial stability.
  • Optimizing Inventory Levels: Review and adjust inventory holding levels to match current needs.
  • Scenario Planning: Provide estimated outcome statements considering different restructuring scenarios.
  • Marketing Assets for Sale: Effectively market assets to maximise value in distressed sales.

Benefits of Early Action in Restructuring and Insolvency

Taking early action in restructuring allows professionals and management to:

  • Preserve Asset Value: Maintain the value of assets through proactive measures.
  • Gain Negotiation Time: Create more time for negotiations, leading to better outcomes.
  • Achieve Optimal Outcomes: Navigate distressed environments to achieve the best possible results.

Detailed Market Analysis and Accurate Valuations

Our detailed market analysis and accurate asset valuations enable you to:

  • Refinance and Improve Working Capital: Enhance liquidity and financial stability through refinancing.
  • Rationalize, Restructure, or Sell: Make informed decisions to rationalize, restructure, or sell businesses and assets.
  • Generate Cash from Surplus Sales: Build a more profitable future by generating cash from surplus asset sales.

Your Quality Guarantee

At Hickman Shearer, we understand that capital asset valuation issues require insight, expertise, and experience. As a RICS-regulated firm, we employ highly qualified professionals who have a proven track record of delivering:

  • Robust and Relevant Asset Valuations: Ensure precise and reliable valuations for all types of assets.
  • Supporting Market Analysis: Provide detailed and insightful market analysis.
  • Technical Guidance and Authoritative Advice: Offer technical guidance and impartial advice to support your decisions.

Our globally recognized standards ensure a trusted, universal approach and consistent skills worldwide. Trust Hickman Shearer for expert solutions in restructuring and insolvency to secure a stable and profitable future.

James Fox

+44 (0)203 668 0583

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